Jeff soloIn my current solo work, which falls into a genre I label as ‘classical-ambient,’ I build up layers of violin sound to create harmonies that shift as I remove and replace each layer. Over these layers I play melodically, altering the acoustic sound of my instrument with effects that include reverb, delay, phasers, filters, granulators, and pitch shifters. I create ominous alien textures that threaten to spiral out of control, and soothing, angelic moments of repose. I have toured this work several times, performing it all over the US and in several European countries. I have also created and toured solo work of a very different nature, where I use Ableton to alter my voice or process sounds captured from a contact mic attached to a board, often paired with the use of props and having comedic intent. I am interested in coming back to this comic music-theatre work at some point, but for now my focus is on expanding my musical solo repertoire.

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Jeff Young at Centrum Amarant from Strange Loop on Vimeo.